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The problem and solution

What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Older adults and people who have severe underlying medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes are considered to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. The disease is thought to spread mainly from person to person, primarily through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Spread is more likely when people are in close contact with one another (within 6 feet). It is also possible, though thought to be less likely, to contract COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your own mouth, nose, or eyes. COVID-19 affects people in different ways. Infected people have had a wide range of symptoms reported – from mild symptoms to illness and in severe cases even death. Symptoms can appear 2-14 days after exposure and the most common symptoms include cough and shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Symptoms can also include at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, and in some cases gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, or vomiting.

How Ubsafe Can Help?

Currently there is no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19. The CDC recommends social distancing whenever possible and wearing masks in public. If you believe you are infected, stay home and quarantine, monitor symptoms and call your health care provider immediately if symptoms worsen, only leaving to seek medical care. To fight COVID-19, each of us has to do our part to protect each other. Tracing has also become a critical defense to slowing the spread of the disease and that is wear Ubsafe comes in! Contact-tracing aims to help health authorities trace paths of infection and notify users that they’ve been near a person infected by Covid-19.

Step 1: Download App

Ubsafe is available on Apple and Android devices. Simply download the app to your phone.

Step 2: Signing up is simple

To register, enter your mobile number, receive a verification code, then enter that code. No personal information is required. Ubsafe generates a unique encrypted token at sign-up so your privacy and data are completely secure.

Step 3: Easy to Use

You can rest assured Ubsafe will send you notifications when an alert is needed. You can also check in daily if you want to view maps of hotspots in your area or view data including daily confirmed cases, nationwide statistics and more.

Step 4: Report

If you become infected with COVID-19, do your part by reporting it. You will answer a few simple questions confirming your diagnosis. Then please self quarantine and focus on your own recovery.

Ubsafe Features

Ubsafe takes a unique approach to contact tracing. Using proprietary and proven technology to proved accurate results while maintaining 100% privacy.

Contact Tracing

Ubsafe helps to automate and expedite the process of contact tracing that is needed nationwide to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Real-time Stats

Ubsafe updates data in real time, so you can feel confident the data is up to date.

Hot Zones

View reports on the status of Covid-19 nationally throughout the United States, as well as regional and local maps and hotspots.

Instant Alerts

The app sends users notifications if they've recently come in contact with anyone reported as infected by COVID-19

About the Technology

Your safety and privacy is our first priority

When you download the app and sign-up, Ubsafe generates a unique encrypted token. That token is then used to process all future data ensuring privacy and data security. Ubsafe uses geo location data collected through proprietary technology to help alert users to potential exposure and track current hotspots in real time. This eliminates the need for any Personal Identifiable Information to be sent to or stored by Ubsafe. Lastly, the Ubsafe platform uses proprietary and patent pending technology for the security and accuracy of the contact information.

Have additional questions? Please view our FAQ or contact us.

Ubsafe User Experience

The Ubsafe user experience is easy to use, safe and secure. Walk through the app below!

Terms and Conditions
Real-time Stats
Real-time Stats
Side Menu
Self Report
Self Report
Self Report Confirmation
We know you have questions and we have answers.
Please check out our FAQ for more information on Ubsafe and how it works.

COVID-19 is affecting people around the world and it will take each of us to do our part to protect each other.

NOTE: Per new guidelines announced by the Google Play/ Apple Store, all COVID-19 related-apps must be adopted by a government or health agency before becoming available in the app store. We are pending this certification. Please check back for updates! The app can currently be downloaded directly for Android and Apple devices using the below links.


Contact us

  • El Paso, TX
  • U.S. 915-777-3190